Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Back Road to Hana

DATE: 08/15/2009 04:23:48 PM ----- BODY: 

The back road to Hana

                                                                                                                            Kaupo, Maui Photo by Daniel Sullivan

Little known to most visitors to Maui is the off the beaten path , back road to Hana. I believe its actually more beautiful and diverse than the front Road to Hana, and definitely less visited.  The  back road which takes you up through the Ulupalakua Winery and then down towards Kuapo was just recently reopened after an earthquake several years ago took out a bridge. I took the back way which takes about 2 and a half hours last week with my family and we were one of the only cars on the road.  Following are some of the photos I took.1-0041

                                                                                                                             The Back Road to Hana Daniel Sullivan

The backside of Haleakala Volcano where the intense moonscape is like no where else on the island is simple awe-inspiring. 





The old Kaupo General Store still in operation. 



----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: Little known to most visitors to Maui is the off the beaten path , back road to Hana. I believe its actually more beautiful than the Road to Hana, and definitly less visited. The back road which takes you up through the Ulupalukua Winery and then down towards Kuapo was just recently reopened after an earthquake several years ago took out a bridge. I took the back way which takes about 2 and a half hours last week with my family and we were one of the only cars on the road. Following are some of the photos I took. ----- KEYWORDS: The Back way to Hana, The road to Hana, Kaupo Maui, Daniel Sullivan photography ----- --------

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